Traditional weddings are exceptionally beautiful and one of a kind events. Eye watering ceremony in church and the crazy party coming afterwards with your beloved ones are what most of us, who decide share our lives with the person we love, dream of. More and more brides and grooms however - mostly because of financial side - decide to organize an alternative wedding. There are as many ideas of those as many people there are in this world, so we can definitely find the perfect wedding ceremony for us. The Internet is an amazing source of inspiration - we decided to pick 5 most economical and original ideas out of thousands to help you out with your choice. There we go!
1. Civil marriage with treat.
There are more and more young people who decide on civil marriage. The society is slowly secularizing and bigger cities inhabitants don't pay so much care to the religious side of life as they used to in the past.
This alternative, apart of it secular character, also allows to save a good sum of cash - office costs usually consist of small fees to get all the required papers.
Additionally we can offer our guests a treat or dinner in local restaurant - the costs will vary depending on amount of guests and the restaurant we have chosen.
2. Civil marriage outdoors.
Registry Offices also offer the posibility to organize the ceremony outdoors. For people, who are able to spent a little bit more than the bare minimum it's a perfect option - we can for example pick our first date location, local beach or the garden by our house - it's all up to our preferences. We sincerely recommend garden parties - our tents will suit even the most demanding tastes and the party will be an unforgettable event for all your guests for sure.
Costs of civil outdoor marriage vary between countries and states so it's best to contact your local Registry Office and ask them for current prices.
3. Abroad civil marriage
Civil marriage could also be organized abroad - most of us have watched a movie where beloved ones speak the words of wedding promise during sunset on a tropical beach.
Costs of such wedding might be way lower than those of a traditional wedding but it will all depend on amount of guests we invite and whether or not will we manage to buy the tickets and book hotel in a fair price.
4. Two man wedding.
Weddings usually bring to our mind a hall full of people partying, but some couples prefer to celebrate this special moment on their own. One of our customers has been wondering about organizing wedding under a tent but in the end she and her man went to the city they met years ago during pilgrimage to become the wife and the husband in this special place that connected them back in the days. Isn't that beautiful?
Costs in this particular situation will only consist of travelling fees, hotel and the offering for church.
5. Humanist wedding.
Humanist weddings are mostly popular in Great Britain - in Scotland amount of such weddings exceeded amount of catolic ones. This kind of ceremony is a perfect alternative for people who don't want a religion-oriented wedding for whatever reason, but would love to make this day exceptional. Humanist weddings are very personal and full of sincere speeches prepared just for the occasion.